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Indonesia is pushing forward smart city solutions and has kicked off an ambitious digitalization program in 2017, called the "100 Smart Cities Movement”. The initiative is also a part of the government’s plan to address urbanization issues, where about 83% of the Indonesian population will live in urban areas by 2045. Apart from solving the urbanization problem in Indonesian cities, improving the quality of life in a city is also considered as the primary goal which will be translated into six pillars defining smart cities: governance, people, economy, mobility, living, and environment.

However, smart city concepts in most Indonesian cities are developing slowly due to insufficient knowledge in identifying appropriate action steps. The dynamic landscape, diversity, and rapid urbanization growth of Indonesian cities have created a unique yet challenging approach for each city in realizing this concept. Learning from the two pioneer cities, Jakarta and Bandung, the government encourages collaboration with private stakeholders in managing issues and providing necessary resources.

Outlook for Potential Business Collaboration

Considering the government gaps in the technological area, there are many opportunities to be explored in the technology sector, such as IoT, big data, and artificial intelligence. Among others, opportunities for potential collaborations are present in smart mobility and economy, where partnerships with many start-ups, ranging from ride-hailing to e-commerce, have been proven to be attractive to provide easy access for trade and services.

Based on the above success stories, it is evident that collaboration is key to accelerate the process of smart city concept implementation. Where collaboration has been the norm, companies and other businesses can fill in gaps by taking the role of collaborators in fulfilling the smart city pillars, which will help with the acceleration of smart city development in Indonesia. Download the full report to learn more about the future of smart cities in Indonesia.

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