YCP is proud to announce that we ranked 9th on Vault’s list of Best Consulting Firms to Work For in the APAC region. Vault is a career intelligence platform that ranks companies based on employee insights, providing industry-specific rankings, company reviews, and career resources.
These rankings are based on a survey completed by YCP employees and facilitated by Vault, evaluating the firm’s performance across various categories, including Benefits, Compensation, Firm Culture, Satisfaction, and more. Through the surveys, Vault creates a peer-reviewed ranking system based on insider perspectives of each firm.
In addition to making the list, YCP also ranked 7th in Best Consulting Firms in Asia-Pacific for Interaction with Clients, highlighting our commitment to providing young professionals with valuable opportunities to develop client-facing skills, gain hands-on experience, and build meaningful relationships in the industry.
For more information on our rankings, please click here. To learn more about YCP and the work that we do, visit: www.ycp.com.

YCP Earns Spot on Vault’s List of Best Consulting Firms to Work For in APAC
05 March 2025
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