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Thailand has solidified its position as a global player in the healthcare industry, ranking fifth in the 2021 Global Health Security (GHS) Index, which also marked the highest ranking in Southeast Asia. With its efficient and continuously improving healthcare system, Thailand is poised to lead the industry both regionally and globally.

Thailand's healthcare system is easily accessible to all income levels, including medical tourists seeking better or more reasonably priced healthcare than in their own countries. The unwavering commitment of stakeholders from all sectors, including the national government, has enabled the Thai healthcare industry to innovate and embrace a highly digital future, focused on addressing gaps in various sub-areas and creating a more robust system.

This publication, which was originally presented by our Director Shin Thant Aung at the 2023 Healthcare Asia Forum in Bangkok, explores the future of digital healthcare in Thailand through the key issues it addresses, levels of adoption, and drivers and barriers for growth.

The Digital Healthcare Transformation Market Size in Thailand
Several emerging technologies that have become more mainstream, such as telemedicine and mobile health applications, have contributed to the steady growth of Thailand’s digital health transformation market.

There is still large potential for other digital health applications to be more available and accessible, such as wearables and advanced health analytics. Another area for improvement is in telemedicine, which is evolving to its 2.0 stage via a more seamless and effective healthcare experience. No longer limited to just video conferencing, Telemedicine 2.0 incorporates remote health monitoring and facility integration to provide a more comprehensive patient experience.

To learn more about Thailand’s digital health transformation, including the competitive landscape in the country and the industry’s future outlook, download the full white paper for free.

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