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Digital technology is transforming healthcare in Vietnam. Major socio-economic & demographic trends are driving changes in healthcare demand in Vietnam. While public hospitals face the challenge of rising demand for healthcare services, private hospitals face expectations of a higher quality of care and service as well as increasing competition. Digital technologies, therefore, comes as a promising measure to enhance efficiency and promote cost control without compromising on patient care.

Vietnam hospitals are in the early stage of going smart and currently focusing on implementing new technologies, including HIS, LIS, PACS and EMR. Other technologies also include telemedicine, artificial intelligence (AI), as well as robotic applications. 

Digital transformation is also making an impact on Vietnam’s pharmaceutical industry, with  >80% of total pharmacies in Vietnam, have successfully connected to a national electronic database. Healthtech startup sector has room for further growth, as the sector currently still attracts less than 2% of total investment.

Tailoring the Right Healthcare Strategy

This report suggests that there are extensive opportunities, particularly for technology providers to positively impact healthcare provision while expanding their business. The key is not to view technology as a magical solution to current challenges, but to understand the real needs in order to develop an effective digital healthcare strategy in Vietnam.

It is critical for businesses and key players to develop a digital healthcare strategy that not only makes sense for their business but also serves to advance the healthcare sector in Vietnam. The strategy needs to be tailored to the diverse needs facing patients and stakeholders across the healthcare system.

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